Monday, October 28, 2019

Piles of Evidence

Ed Welch's thoughts: "Our lives are full of uncertainties. We never know what the day will bring. Worries, fears, and stress are part of daily life. We shouldn't be surprised, then, that Scripture says so much about it, and that what it says is both attractive and helpful. The Lord responds to our fears with words of comfort, which he is pleased to repeat again and again.

His words to us cluster around two themes: your God is very near, and he gives the grace and power you need for today. The aim of this book is to help us become more skillful in how we identify our fears and anxieties, hear God's good words, and grow. You could say that our goal is wisdom. Wisdom is another name for skill in living.

If there is a rap against wisdom, it is that wisdom takes time. Anxieties, of course, prefer relief now. But what wisdom can do is set out a path that leaves you a little different with each step. Over time you notice the changes A little farther down the road and others notice. As you walk, you will learn much about the paradox of strength in weakness, and you will feel more fully human and alive. The rhythm of your journey is simple; God speaks and you listen. 

You put your fears into words - he will help you if you don't even know where to begin. He takes your fears and anxieties to heart without ever minimizing them. Then he speaks. You "treasure" what he says (Proverbs 2:1). You think about it, act on it, and talk about it. And the conversation continues. When you feel lost, you speak to the Lord. He listens to you. When you are stuck, you "call out for insight" (Proverbs 2:3). He answers you. 

Through it all is closeness to a person. That makes this path different from all others. God never intended us to bear the overwhelming burdens of life by ourselves. Instead, he gives himself - just the right person to bear them with us. "The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything. (Phil. 4:5-6)

Whenever God speaks to you about your fears, you can be sure he will say something about being close. He even patiently persuades you that he is close. He piles up the evidence. Still, you can be blind to that evidence when fears are close and anxieties ring loud. The process of letting anxieties go takes practice that engages with God himself - which means you will engage with Jesus."

Candy's thoughts: Here is another new book I recommend! While I have only begun to read it, I have already learned that it is GOOD. That being said, I was immediately tested big time, even today as I write this. (Think an overflowing septic system and our beautiful newly-renovated bathroom having to be renovated again - long story.)  UGH but YAY? If stress and fears bring us closer to God, then so be it. God is "piling up the evidence" of his faithfulness. 👍

Monday, October 21, 2019

Friends on Earth and Friends Above

"I go to prepare a place for you."  John 14:2

Charles Spurgeon's thoughts: "It struck me, as I turned this subject over in my mind, that our Lord Jesus Christ knew that there was a place to be prepared for each one of his people. You know that, even though you love all the brethren, you cannot help feeling most at home with some of them. Our blessed Lord and Master had no sinful favoritism, yet he did love twelve men better than all the rest of his disciples; and out of the twelve he loved three, whom he introduced into mysteries from which he excluded the other nine; and even out of the three, there was one, you know, who was 'that disciple whom Jesus loved.'  Now, everybody here has his likings; I do not know if we shall carry anything of that spirit to heaven. If we do, Christ has so prepared a place for us that you shall be nearest, in your position and occupation, to those who would contribute most to your happiness... But, depend upon it, if there be any association - any more intimate connection - between some saints than among others, Jesus Christ will so beautifully arrange it that we shall be in the happiest places."

Candy's thoughts: Oh what a blessed image it is of God, who knows us so well, surrounding us with our precious family and friends when we enter into the heavenly realms!  But far above all other friendships, consider this wonderful truth: "What a Friend we have in Jesus!" 💙

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Prescription for Anxiety

This past Friday I was able to catch just one live-stream session of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation's conference on Anxiety. The speaker was Alasdair Groves and the topic was "We Are Anxious People." Great title that applies to most of us, don't you think?

Groves had something startling to say, which is that all anxiety is not sinful. I had been under the impression that it was always bad - evidence that we are not trusting God in all circumstances. He based his theory on something Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:28.

"And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches." 

Wow. I guess I had never really noticed that verse before. Groves' point was not that 'since super-apostle Paul had anxiety, then it's okay for us to have anxiety,' but rather that there are real threats and real burdens in this world. The people we love and the world we live in present concerns and even dangers sometimes. Just as there is righteous anger that can rise up in the heart of a believer, there can be righteous anxiety as well.

The heart of the problem is what to do when anxiety begins to overwhelm us. Groves gave three red flags to look out for as we process worries and fears. The first is not to give in to painting God out of the picture by attempting to fix the problem ourselves. The second is when we start believing God won't be good - He won't protect us in the way we know how to protect ourselves. Finally, an alarm should be set off whenever we think or utter these two words: "What If..."  As Christians we are already on the wrong path if we are focusing our fretfulness on scenarios that are not even on the horizon yet.

What is the Bible's antidote to keep righteous anxiety from spinning into sinful anxiety? Groves had three suggestions:

* Read the Psalms when anxious.

* "Wait on the Lord" and realize this is an active command, not a passive one.

* Meditate on the truth that Christ will hold us fast.

Read, wait, and meditate seems like a very good prescription from One who is the Great Physician of our souls. 💜

Monday, October 7, 2019

Beautiful Prayer #1

"Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another, and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints." (1 Thess. 3: 11-13)

Prayer written by Alexander MacColl based on the above text:

"Almighty God, our Father, help us to receive this day as a fresh gift from Thy loving hand, and to use it earnestly and joyously. Give us for its tasks, we pray Thee, vigor of body, clearness of mind and definiteness of purpose, but above all, the right spirit and the right heart.

"Look graciously upon our loved ones; place upon them Thy guiding and restraining hand. Comfort all who are sick and in sorrow; heal the wounded in spirit; recall the wandering. Strengthen all who are working earnestly for the Kingdom of our Lord, and grant that throughout the world this may be a day of great progress toward righteousness and peace.

"Thy Kingdom come. Thy will in us and in all men be done, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Candy's thoughts: I cannot possibly improve upon this beautiful prayer by anything I can write here. I love it for its simplicity, humility, and devotion in word and deed to God and those that he places within our spheres of influence.  I will print this prayer out and use it often.  💕