Monday, August 3, 2020

How Sweet The Sound!

On May 11th of this year I posted a video of people from all over the UK singing "The Blessing." I mentioned back then that I cried each time I watched it and thought maybe some of you would too.  I was correct and got many comments and emails from readers that "The Blessing," and the way it was performed, while in quarantine, was emotional for many. Click here to watch again.

Good news! I found another one, this time 50 different people from 50 different countries singing "Amazing Grace" in their native languages. Again I was overwhelmed with the reality of seeing these brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world singing perhaps the most well-known of all hymns. (Spoiler Alert: My tears started with the 2nd voice and location.)  My takeaway is that I have just seen 50 of my siblings! What amazing grace that God would allow us this joyful experience of global unity in Christ even now!

Click Here To Listen.

1 comment:

  1. Weeping! Beautifully moving to know that there are brothers and sisters all around the world who are worshiping the Lord and raising up their singing voices to praise Him who sits on high. In all languages, all countries, all people groups. I would say a small taste of heaven what beautiful music we will all make together in the presence and glory of Jesus, Adonai! Thanks for sharing Debbi
