Monday, October 19, 2020

Keep Open Every Possible Connection

When I was a young mom of just one child, I joined a "Mother's Group" at our local church in Connecticut where we were living at the time. One day the leader asked us to go around the circle and tell everyone how we came to be believers. One answer really stands out, from a young mom of just one child as well. She said that she had never not believed, since everyone in her immediate AND extended family were confessing evangelicals, without exception. Someone asked "Are you sure?" but she replied yes. All of us were amazed and praised God for His unusual working in this one family.  

I have never heard that same kind of testimony again. Every Christian I have ever met or become friends with seems to have their own stories of how one family member (or many) have strayed from the faith. And 'prodigals' are not always just young adults. There are parents, grandchildren, spouses, siblings, and even pastors within our family or faith circles that have, for various reasons, departed from the Lord and His Church. Oh to imagine the parable of the Prodigal Son realized for one of our loved ones!

I found an article recently about the prodigals in our lives written a couple of years ago by Russell Moore, an ethicist and preacher within the Southern Baptist Convention. The following excerpt is what caught my eye and compelled me to read further. His encouragement gives me great hope for all those that have wandered. Perhaps it will for all of you as well as you pray continually for your dear family members and friends who need to be brought back to the faith they once confessed. 

"When dealing with those wandering away from the faith, we must recognize that sometimes they’ll not start evaluating the deep questions of their lives until they find themselves in a situation where they don’t know what to do. We must be the sort of parents and grandparents and churches who have kept open every possible connection, so that our prodigals will know how to get back home, and know we’ll meet them at the road, already planning a homecoming party."

Please Click Here for the entirety of Russell Moore's essay. You won't be disappointed, and it might even bring you some joy as you consider God's mercy for so many of us former prodigals!


  1. Oh! Candy! This is one of my favorite reads by you...(and I have had many)! I found such encouragement and strength to continue onward to pray for our dear prodigals...oh! Lord! help our unbelief and be the Source for the HOPE we need as we pray. Thank you, dear sister and friend. I miss you!♥️

  2. Yes, we should not get discouraged waiting for God to bring home our family members, and maybe we need to trust that GOD knows the best timing of everything!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
