Monday, January 25, 2021

59 Minutes Of Truth and Encouragement

Many of my CandyceLand readers know my favorite authors by now: Nancy Guthrie, Paul Tripp, Alastair Begg, Randy Alcorn, and various Puritan writers. In the past few years I have added a new name to this list: Vaneetha Rendall Risner. I was first introduced to her years ago through GriefShare - she was a contributor to the videos and her story was (is!) so compelling that I purchased her first book, published in 2016, entitled The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us In Suffering. I found it to be so readable, so authentic, so honest about her struggles with faith through many horrible sufferings she has experienced in her life. I have gifted this book to others that needed inspiration and comfort.

Last Tuesday she released her 2nd book, Walking Through Fire: A Memoir of Loss and Redemption.  She also put together a one-hour online event that same evening featuring interviews with Joni Eareckson Tada, Paul Tripp, Randy Alcorn, and someone new to me, Katherine Wolf. Perhaps it was because I had never heard of Katherine that I was particularly blessed by her story of affliction.

Although the video is 59 minutes long, I can assure you that you will not regret listening. Steve and I were blessed watching the live event, but I plan to listen again. I know you all are super busy, but perhaps you can listen while doing the dishes or driving in the car?  There are also a couple of technical issues in this recording, but they are very brief. 

Enough said - I'd rather you spend time with Vaneetha and her friends than read what I have to say! 

Click Here To Watch Video


  1. Beautiful to listen to these precious women and men of God who truly know suffering and how God has brought them closer to Himself through it.

    Some of us live with silent suffering that can not be seen on our physical bodies, yet the pain it inflicts in our heart and soul is real it effects our daily living deeply and makes it hard to go through another day. This silent suffering caused by trying to live a righteous and holy life for our heavenly Father but being in conflict constantly with spiritual battle in our own homes.

    The message spoken here is God is with us, He will never leave us so don't give up and leave Him instead run to Him and let Him embrace you, His hugs are holy hugs and His arms are strong just what we need.

    A song was stirred in my heart when I finished watching this video "Be Still My Heart". All the verses speak to the heart but the third verse really grabbed hold of mine.

    "Be still my soul: when dearest friends depart, and all is darkened in the veil of tears, then shall you better know His love, His heart, who comes to soothe your sorrow and your fears. Be still my soul; your Jesus can repay from His own fullness all He takes away."

    God bless us all.

    1. Great words of encouragement. Thanks for posting.
