Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Waiting on Judah

Have you ever considered which emotions are predominant in your life? I certainly have. It has been fairly easy to pinpoint the two that have been part of my everyday life since 2007.  For confirmation, I still cannot even choke out the final verse to "All Praise to God Who Reigns Above" when we sing it at EPC:

Then come before his presence now
And banish fear and sadness;
To your Redeemer pay your vow
And sing with joy and gladness:
Though great distress my soul befell,
The Lord, my God, did all things well,
To God all praise and glory!

Yep, for me it's fear and sadness. I deeply fear that another immensely loved child/grandchild might predecease me, and of course I still have overwhelming grief for the one who already died. So it's no surprise, I guess, that I naturally gravitate to stories of others who face these same emotions, albeit sometimes in very different types of situations. One such person is Kendra Pope. She first came to my attention through a Facebook friend who posted updates on the the Pope family's son, Judah. The quote that was meaningful and encouraging and convicting to me is this one that you will hear in the link below, spoken by Kendra, about some lyrics she listened to on her way to the hospital to see her son:

                               "There's a place where fear has to face the God you know."

Please click right here to see and hear the story of one family's encounter with fear and sadness - and the lessons they have learned as they continue living through a very unexpected and painful providence. It is a 12 minute video in which this mother struggles to daily remember and then trust in this beautiful realization: "God, you are bigger than the fear that is in my heart." Please join so many others who are praying for this family.


  1. This was such a blessing to read. Thank you, Candy for posting. The Pope family are an inspiration to the rest of us to keep trusting God no matter what comes. She grew in her trust through much sorrow and suffering but what a precious jewel in her refinement. She has that familiar fellowship with her God because of it...He is being glorified as she runs that race with her precious son, Judah. Simone(mom) :O)

  2. Beautiful thoughts, Simone. Yes, I agree that this sweet family gives us hope that we, too, can survive through sorrows and sufferings.
