Monday, November 4, 2019

Eternity on the Ropes

Many years ago I saw the video posted below and it has never left my memory. Later I would read Forever: Why You Can't Live Without It by Paul David Tripp and recognized the same basic theme. In a July 16th, 2018 blogpost (Read here) I wrote a summary of Tripp's book, in which he coins the term "eternity amnesia." This refers to the state of mind that each one of us experiences when we get caught up in the busyness of daily living and regrettably forget the biblical goal set before us: eternity. Here is a memorable illustration of this point by Francis Chan. I welcome your comments on this 4 minute video.

Click Here to See video


  1. I heard someone on radio who witnesses with this question, Where will you be in 100 years?

  2. He's got it! I'm going to keep the little red mark in my mind when I caught up in the little, insignificant things in my days that right now seem so mountainous to me.

    BTW I did order the Paul Tripp book and when I read your blog back in July and I would highly recommend it! You are my go to book worm :-) Debbi

  3. I am a worm, and not a (wo)man. Psalm 22.6
