Monday, October 5, 2020

Are You Wearing Your Ps39 (or Jms3) Mask?

Candy's thoughts: I believe that months ago I introduced you to our good friend Bob Bjerkaas who is a pastor in California. He writes a terrific blog and this week it was devoted to Ps. 39 and James 3 which is very relevant to our Women's Bible Study classes at EPC. I just love his imagery of a Scriptural masks and I hope that I will remember this lesson even when COVID-19 is just a distant memory. 

Bob's thoughts: Among the many things that we will never forget about the year 2020 is the ubiquitous mask.  Masks are everywhere.  They are in the car on the dashboard or center console.  They are on the end table, the kitchen counter, and the hutch in the dining room.  They are on my dresser.  They are in a pile on top of the clothes dryer.  They are everywhere.

And they are uncomfortable.  They make your glasses fog up.  The straps chafe behind your ears.  All of this is particularly unfortunate because they are required to be out and about in public.  Going shopping?  Don’t forget your mask – you won’t be allowed into the store without it!  Going out to dinner – bring your mask.  Going to church – masks required.  And should you be so unfortunate as to forget to put your mask on, prepare for our oh-so-polite culture’s stare downs and passive aggressive commentary!

But one thing that I appreciate about masks is the way they have reminded me to be careful what comes out of my mouth.  In Psalm 39:1, David says, “I will guard my ways, that I might not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle.”

Much like the purpose of our 2020 masks, the purpose of David’s muzzle was very simple – to keep bad stuff from leaving his mouth.

Think about how many times the things that you have said have either caused or contributed to some of your worst difficulties.  How often have your words caused others unnecessary stress and pain?  Your tongue is described in the Bible as either being a “tree of life” or a weapon.   You bless people with your tongue but you also use it to curse them.  (James 3:10).  You, dear friend, need to put a mask on!

For the foreseeable future, you and I will need to put masks on whenever we go out into public.  And we will get nasty looks when we forget!  Up until this year I never knew what an N95 mask was – or why they were so important to our medical professionals and health service providers.  Do you as a Christian know how important the PS39 mask is?  As you minister to the people around you by what you say, will you be sure to wear it?  Will you, like David in Psalm 39, guard your ways – avoiding sin with your tongue by wearing a muzzle?

I think that there has been a shortage of PS39 masks this year.  This is especially important in your homes.  Be careful and intentional in the way that you speak to your spouse and kids.  And carry that diligence into your workplace and neighborhood as well!  Just think of how the virus of hurtful and useless words could be reduced if we all wore the PS39 mask!


  1. Such a wonderful perspective! I will never look at my mask in the same way! Thanks Candy and Pastor Bob.

  2. Me too, Simone! What a great reminder for us as we wear masks!
