Monday, October 12, 2020

The Prayingest Prayer

As is often the case, I arose this morning determined to write on a specific topic, but what you will read below isn't it! Either I am led by the Holy Spirt OR I am just a very fickle person. 😆

I started to read a small book today entitled Pray Big: Learn to Pray Like an Apostle by Alistair Begg. So far I can testify that Chapter 1 was great. The focus is 'Prayer Is Dependent.'  SPOILER ALERT: Begg's main point is that we need to recognize our dependence upon God for ALL things:

"To pray is an admission and and an expression of dependence. A self-assured person is not going to pray prayers of petition; there's no need to pray if you think you have got it all covered. A self-righteous person is not going to pray prayers of confession; there's no need to pray if you think you're good enough to earn God's blessing. But the person who knows their heart before God - the person who knows the depth of their need of forgiveness and help from God - does what Paul does. They bow their knees (Ephesians 3:14)."

Begg then addresses the issue of praying on one's knees and concludes with this summary: 

"I'm not saying we must kneel. The posture of our hearts and not our bodies is the issue. Are we coming to God in dependence? Are we asking him to bless our work, to empower our service, to change our flaws, to forgive our sins? What matters is a dependent heart, not a particular posture, as one of my favorite poems makes hilariously clear:

"The proper way for a man to pray,"
Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes,
"And the only proper attitude,
Is down upon his knees."

"No, I should say the way to pray,"
Said Reverend Doctor Wise,
"Is standing straight, with outstretched arms,
With rapt and upturned eyes."

"Oh no, no, no," said Elder Snow.
"Such posture is too proud;
A man should pray with eyes fast closed
And head contritely bowed."

"It seems to me one's hand should be
Astutely clasped in front,
With both thumbs pointed toward the ground,"
Said Reverend Doctor Blunt.

"Last year I fell in Hodgkin's well
Head first," said Cyrus Brown,
"With both my heels a-sticken up,
And my head a-pointing down;
And I done prayed right there and then
Best prayer I ever said,
The prayingest prayer I ever prayed,
Standing on my head."   (Sam Walter Foss)

Begg's final comment: "The "prayingest" prayer - real prayer - is a prayer of a dependent person to a divine Person."

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