Sunday, January 3, 2021

What's Your Plan?

For the past 25 years or so I have read through the Bible every year. A few years ago I decided to skip the formal reading-through-the-Bible plan and just concentrate on accomplishing the task of actually reading through the stack of what I call "God Books" that I have collected through the years. This idea was short-lived, though, because it just didn't feel right to NOT read the Bible daily, and so I changed my mind and in March of that year started back on January 1st and had lots of reading to catch up on!

So I've worked out a new plan for 2021 and here it is: I will read 3 chapters of the Bible daily, one Old Testament chapter, one Psalm (twice through the Psalter per year), and one New Testament chapter as well. This year I will use the The Spurgeon Study Bible and will read all the accompanying notes of Spurgeon's which are taken from various sermons he preached on those particular passages. (Last year I used the Prayer Bible.) The second part is that I have chosen to read two "God Books" and do one chapter each day of those. I will also read one prayer from Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans. Lastly I will be reading one of Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions which should take under 30 seconds each day. And for journalistic integrity I did indeed time myself to come up with 'under 30 seconds.' 😉

I've done the math and if all goes well I will still go through the Bible in 396.333 days - so a little bit more than a year. The potential benefit is that hopefully I will read more 'devotionally' each day plus I will be finally reading the books that have been calling to me from every table and nightstand in our house for a long, long time. Plus who wouldn't benefit from reading one resolution each day from someone with a much bigger perspective on the Christian life? My thanks to one CandyceLand reader who has agreed to keep me accountable by reading Edwards with me. (I won't mention Doris's name because I don't want to embarrass her.)  😂

Finally, I would LOVE to hear of all of your plans to stay connected to God through the reading of the Bible and other writings!  What have been your plans in the past? What is your plan for 2021? Whatever you decide, remember to enjoy your time with God. After all, "the joy of the Lord is your strength."  Paul writes, "Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I say, rejoice!" So find the great blessing that God has for you as you spend time in His Word. 


  1. plan to read and study through
    NT only .
    Will also follow STEVE'S AM teaching sessions and read.
    Alistair Beggs daily you tube teachings.
    Reading Tozer and Pink love the older language they write so eloquently and it is inspiring .

    Also whatever the women's group does, finishing James ??
    that's the plan and God will be faithful.
    that will be plenty for me.

  2. Oh forgot my daily Spurgeon Am and Pm. Great way to start the day and end it. And I am using the Spurgeon Bible as well. good news and NIV sometimes.

  3. Sounds great! I love hearing of all the different plans. Sadly many cannot comment here on the blog, but I have gotten a few via email and they are all fascinating!

  4. Thanks see you tomorrow, God willing

  5. I, Debbi am reading the ONE YEAR BIBLE plan. Here is an example of each day starting in January, today's reading 1/21/21 was Genesis 42:-18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36 & Proverbs 4:7-10. In January it starts at the beginning of the Old and New Testament readings along with a Psalm & Proverbs (these will be read twice in the year I believe) YES I BELIEVE! I also read the Means of Grace in the back of the Psalter and I sing a hymn from there usually each day (the birds love it, but not my dog she always gets up and leaves??)

    Love reading the bible all the way through each year have grown so much in my relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit! Read on sisters!!! Debbi
