Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Monster of Unbelief

Spurgeon's thoughts: "Strive with all diligence to keep out the monster of unbelief. It is so dishonoring to Christ that He will withdraw His visible presence if we insult Him by tolerating it. It is true it is a weed that we can never entirely remove from the soil, but we must aim at its root with zeal and perseverance. Among hateful things it is the most to be defeated. Its hurtful nature is so poisonous that he that uses it, and he upon whom it is used, are both harmed by it. In your case, believer, it is most wicked, for the mercies of your Lord in the past increase your guilt in doubting Him now."

Candy's thoughts: In all honesty, I have been bitten time and again by this monster of unbelief. Quick little thoughts just pop into my head and I wonder where they have originated from: the world, the flesh, or the devil? Interestingly, the only common pattern that I have discerned these many years is the place where I am most likely to be attacked: in worship or while teaching the Bible. It seems as though Satan knows the exact moment to whisper within my ear little snide remarks like "You don't really believe that..." or "You are such a hypocrite to teach these women when even you sometimes doubt what you are saying..." or "Think of all the really brilliant people you admire who are not believers - they are obviously right in denying all this!" These accusations distract, distress, and ultimately depress me because I, like Spurgeon, believe that they are dishonoring to the God who has so lavishly poured out His mercies and promises upon me throughout my life.

Years ago I devised a physical response to implement whenever one of these lies is whispered in my ear. While reading the Screwtape Letters I was left with the image of a little Junior Temptor named Wormwood, who would perch on a person's shoulder within a short distance of an ear, into which he would very quietly speak thoughts of doubt and unbelief. Ever since then, whenever I am ambushed by Wormwood, I just brush my shoulder with my hand and pretend I have swept Wormwood away.

So the next time you see me in church or around a table brush something off my shoulder, please know it's not dandruff but a little demon spreading lies about our gracious and loving God. :)

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous post! Keep brushing him off your shoulder! Love you, S.
