Monday, November 26, 2018

3 (Evangelistic) Reasons to Quit Complaining

Today I discovered a new series of devotionals to read! Yay!

Here is the description: "In the 31-Day Devotionals for Life Series, biblical counselors and Bible teachers guide you through Scripture passages that speak to specific situations or struggles, helping you to apply God's word to your life in practical ways day after day."

While I have not yet received the books, I am confident they will be very good because of previous books I have enjoyed by these authors. The specific volumes I have ordered are Grief: Walking With Jesus by Bob Kellemen, Doubt: Trusting God's Promises by Elyse Fitzpatrick, and Contentment: Seeking God's Goodness
 by Megan Hill

The first of these three authors is one of the experts interviewed on the GriefShare videos. The second I've heard speak at conferences and she has written some wonderful books. The third I met on a bus while traveling from the Indianapolis Airport on our way to a Gospel Coalition Conference for Women where she was a speaker and I was an appreciative attender.

There are 3 that I did not order yet: Pornography: Fighting for Purity, Addictive Habits: Changing for Good, and After An Affair: Pursuing Restoration. All 6 of these are published by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishers.

I stumbled upon these books after reading an article on the Gospel Coalition website by Megan Hill entitled 3 (Evangelistic) Reasons To Quit Complaining. Here is the link to that great article: 


  1. Excellent article thanks for sharing sooo convicting especially and I quote, "When Job’s wife encourages him to curse God for the trials in his life, Job replies, “Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). By his sinless response, Job testifies to his wife that he has faith in God’s eternal purposes whether his outward circumstances appear rosy or grim."

    Oh to be able to say something God honoring as Job did to his wife rather than chime in with agreement to the complaint. I am going to try very hard to let this settle into my heart and soul to see change take effect. Of course any success will be to God's glory cause it will only come from the healing work of the Holy Spirit. God bless all our sisters and brothers in Christ may we become more like Him everyday, and lets not complain about it when we fail, just ask God to pick us up, dust us off and send us on our way so we can try again :-) Debbi
