Monday, May 6, 2019


"Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."  (Phil. 2:14-15)

Megan Hill's thoughts: "Complaining is a universal currency in our world. Almost without fail, it provides a point of connection in even the most casual interactions. Paying at the grocery store? Just grumble about how cold (or hot) the weather has been recently, and you and the checkout clerk will quickly form an alliance. Late to a party? Mutter about the traffic, and every guest in earshot will have their own gridlock lament to contribute. There is seemingly nothing that we won't complain about, and seemingly no one who won't join us when we do.

But belonging to Christ radically changes everything. Jesus said, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5:16); and, when we refuse to join the office pity-party, we publicly exalt Christ in at least three ways:

1. We testify that God is good. Most of us would tell our neighbors that God is good. But our dissatisfied grumblings are a jarring contradiction to what we say we believe.

2. We testify to an unshakeable hope. When Job's wife encourages him to curse God for the trials in his life, Job replies, "Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?" (Job 2:10).  By his sinless response, Job testifies that he has faith in God's eternal purposes, whether his outward circumstances appear rosy or grim.

3. We testify to a deeper reality. If our conversations with unbelievers are taken up by the minutiae of life's inconveniences, we act like this world is all that matters. Instead, we ought to take every opportunity to point to deeper - and more lasting! - spiritual realities.

Candy's thoughts: Ouch! For as long as I've been a Christian, I have heard the warnings about complaining and grumbling. And for as long as I've been a Christian, I have complained and grumbled. What's with that? Why can't we all get better at this? Perhaps we should pray daily as we do on Sundays:

"We have loved what we ought not to have loved; we have coveted what is not ours; we have not been content with Your provisions for us. We have complained in our hearts about our family, about our friends, about our health, about our occupations, about Your church, and about our trials. We have sought our security in those things which perish, rather than in You, the Everlasting God." 

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, I'm pretty sure everything we talk with others about has some sort of complaint mixed in the conversation, I'm going to keep a tab on that statement and see if it is in fact true. Thanks for the reminder Candy you keep us all on our toes, and remind of our human frailties. I am so thankful that God is in control and not us! Debbi
