Monday, May 13, 2019

The Mother Who Would Not Stop Praying

An article was posted on May 12th on the Gospel Coalition website entitled "The One Thing I Tell Moms of Wayward Children." As you might guess, the column is about prodigals and the great angst that parents experience seeing their young adult children wander from the faith that was taught them for years. What can be done? The author very much encourages parents, grandparents, siblings, and anyone else who is in this situation to storm the gates of heaven in prayer for the conversion of a loved one.

Austin Gohn primarily uses the example of the mother of Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430) to illustrate his point. For nearly 30 years she prayed and cried so much for her son's salvation that her prayers were "as rivers she addressed to you daily for my sake, irrigating the ground under her face." (Augustine's description of his persistent mother in Confessions 5.15)  That's a lot of tears.

There are many other beautiful quotes that I could point out, but then again it's always better to see them in context. Please read the article here:  and be encouraged to continue in your prayers for all who have wandered from our merciful savior.


  1. This was such a great reminder that I need to be praying for my son's salvation everyday!!!!!! Thanks Candy once again you have helped me to bring attention to the prayers that are near and dear to my heart. I love the example and have asked my daughter to begin pounding the gates of heaven for her brother also. Love your blogs! Debbi
