Monday, June 22, 2020

How Do I Overcome My Depression When I Don't Know Why I'm Depressed?

It has been my personal observation that at least once a day I become "low in spirit." Usually I can't pinpoint why I'm feeling so low, although I always search my list of possible culprits: How's my blood sugar right now? What did I just read or watch that is causing me to be fearful? Have I done my devotions yet today? If so, do I need to do them again? Am I experiencing grief over the loss of a loved one or over the state of our nation? And on and on and on...

Sometimes I am able to locate the problem, but more than likely I cannot. 

So what can I (we) do about shaking off this type of "causeless depression?"  Ed Welch has two ideas for us in the following video. He is a great writer, counselor, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary and a faculty member at CCEF - Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. The video is only 2.35 minutes long - but quite memorable. 

I hope this helps all of us as we try to fight depression whenever it hits.

Click here for the video.


  1. As always this blog is so timely God always brings us the lift we need at just the right time and the timing of this blog was just right for me.

    I have been behind on reading your blogs which makes me sad but this time instead of starting at the bottom blog where I left off, I decided to start at the top. I have these down times that Ed Welsh is talking about more often now then I used to and yesterday was one of those days. I left work feeling anxious, terribly unsettled and depressed I could feel myself sinking down, however, I couldn't feel the Rock under my feet to keep my head above water.

    Taking a walk with my dog helped some however, when we arrived back home, I realized I hadn't talked to Jesus for more than 5 minutes! I had the quiet opportunity to have a little talk with Jesus and I didn’t use my time wisely. This thought brought to mind a little song that sometimes comes on when Rick & I are listening to our blue ray in the car which is appropriately named "Just A Little Talk With Jesus." When the song comes on a smile comes immediately and I find myself giggling by the end of it, so I thought just maybe I could add a # 4 to Ed Welsh's list (oh I do hope that's ok).

    Here is the song being sung by The Statler Brothers "Just A Little Talk With Jesus Makes It Right"

    I hope when you listen to it you also will find yourself smiling and maybe even dancing and singing along. God Bless us all. Debbi
