Monday, June 1, 2020

My Favorite Televangelist

I'd like to take this opportunity to brag about my husband for a bit. Steve has really been amazing during these challenging times of quarantining and lack of in-person worship services. He has been creative and very hard-working trying to keep Exeter Presbyterian Church going forward in love and service to God and others. (And yes, I am biased. 😉)

The reason I'm mentioning this today is because Steve is beginning a new devotional video series each morning on the topic of Revelation. Revelation???  Yes, this book of the Bible is different from most of the others. It is often confusing, strange, beautiful, full of hope, and hard to understand all at the same time. But Steve will be focusing on the main point of each chapter - something that will be easily understood and memorable. The end result will be 22 videos, each with 5 minutes of teaching and a concluding prayer.

SO: I heartily recommend this series. Here is the link to the first one: click here

If you would like to receive the daily link each morning there are three ways to accomplish this:

1. Send an email to and I will sign you up for the link and prayer email of EPC.

2. Send me an email and I will sign you up just for the link, understanding that those of you not affiliated with the life of our church might just want the access to the video.

3. You can always go directly to YouTube and search each time for stevemagee57 to see the variety of videos Steve has done since mid-March, i.e. all the morning videos on various topics and Sunday church services as well. Unfortunately YouTube does not put them in chronological order so you may have to keep track of which video you watched the previous day.

Be blessed,

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