Monday, June 15, 2020

The Saddest, Most Celebratory Community On Earth

I read the following post from Paul Tripp and just had to share it with you:
It appears that this global pandemic that has occupied so much of our thinking and emotions and has restructured our living is beginning to lift (at least in Philadelphia, where I live).
As life returns to a new state of normal, what lessons have you learned?
For me, I was again reminded of the two types of responses that the Bible calls us to all the time. These pathways of gospel living aren’t just reserved for a time of global emergency; they are appropriate for the mundane little moments of everyday life, too.
“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15, ESV)
😢 The Bible calls us to weep and to mourn. COVID-19 gives us reason to weep. We should weep for:
●The suffering that has enveloped the world
●The many people who have suffered through this virus
●The tens of thousands of those who have died
●Their families who have had to watch their loved one die alone, unable to be close to them
But we ought to weep for something else. We should weep for what has been exposed about our hearts at this moment. I don’t know about you, but COVID-19 exposed my pride, autonomy, delusions of self-sufficiency, and tendency to grumble and complain.
Most importantly, COVID-19 was a reminder of a deeper, greater pandemic–the sin that lives inside of us. And for that, we should weep every day.
🙌 There’s a second type of response Scripture calls us to: rejoice! “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4, ESV)
There is never a day in your life, no matter what is going on, that you don’t have reason to rejoice. You have reason to rejoice in God’s faithfulness, nearness, provision, and that his mercies are new every morning.
We should rejoice in the little moments of life and the significant, but there is something even deeper to celebrate, something eternal. The lesson I cherish above all because of COVID-19 is that the most valuable thing in our lives, the thing that has changed our life now and forever, no one nor anything can take away.
Coronavirus should make us weep, but it should also cause us to rejoice, because we are “sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39, ESV)
Rejoice because nothing can take away your eternal inheritance, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom found in the Word of God, and the rescuing, transforming, forgiving, delivering power of grace!
You have called me
to the place of tears,
you have taken my hand
and led me down sorrow’s
Your grace has filled my heart with
you have invited me to weep
tears only you can dry.
The broken-hearted are met by
the low in spirit find
your comfort in your mercy.
You never turn your back on those who
I drop my tears on your altar.
You have called me to
to the place of rejoicing,
you have taken my hand
and led me down joy’s
Your grace has filled my heart with
You have invited me to gladness,
sacred celebration
that only comes from
The jubilant find
sustaining strength,
you never fail to give them reason for
I celebrate at your altar.
Sorrow combines with joy,
sadness mixes with celebration.
Mourners rejoice,
tearful jubilation.
Two pathways running together,
until sorrows are no more
and unfettered joy reigns
May we be the saddest, most celebratory community on earth. May that weeping and rejoicing be the response of our hearts today, tomorrow, and the days that follow.


  1. This is an excellent way of framing life and reminding us that there are many facets to a thing.

  2. Yes, which is why I was so drawn to this article - realistic AND hopeful.
