Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Do Not Lose Heart!

"Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart."  Luke 18:1

"A long serving pastor was asked how he coped with the terrible trials he faced over many years in his congregation. He answered quietly, "I prayed till the matter was settled." That's the challenge: to pray for as long as the reason for praying is still in place. It's a long way to Australia, but will you get off the plane before you arrive simply because you can't wait that long?  If a widow's sheer doggedness can get satisfaction from an unrighteous judge, how much more will our dogged prayers obtain from the righteous Judge?"


  1. Love the book recommendations, I just ordered this one and "Developing a Healthy Prayer Life" by Beeke. I would like to be more faithful spending time with God in prayer, I am a good student but as of late I have fallen short on quiet, devotional, intimate time with Jesus. I miss Him and genuinely desire to spend more time in conversation and listening with Him. Keep blogging my friend :-) Debbi

  2. Settled. Nicely put. Pray on.
