Wednesday, May 16, 2018

John Calvin on Prayer For Others

Eph. 6:18a  "With all prayer and petition for all the saints..."

John Calvin's thoughts: "There is not a moment in our life at which our wants ought not to urge us to prayer. But there is another reason for praying without ceasing - that the necessities of our brethren ought to touch us. And when is it when some members of the church are not in distress, and needing our assistance? If at any time we are cold in prayer or more negligent than we ought to be, because we do not feel the pressure of immediate necessity, let us instantly reflect how many of our brethren are worn out by varied and heavy afflictions, are weighed down by deep anxiety; or are reduced to the worst distress."

1 comment:

  1. This idea of Praying without ceasing, knowing the Father always hears my prayers, and praying, as we are learning in the Psalms, with lament and thanksgiving and praise is encouraging to me. When i think i have to wait until a formal " prayer time, i get bogged down and fogged in in my brain and often fall asleep or become discouraged. When i pray without ceasing, without acknowledging God's sovereignty and presence with praise and thanksgiving, I get worn out and anxious and restless, guilty, and ashamed because I cannot help everyone. I want to trust God to be God and rejoice that He will do what is needed and that He is able to make clear what work He has ordained for me to walk in. To Him be the glory!
