Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm (Almost) Back!

Okay, okay, I know I have slacked off recently on CandyceLand. But I absolutely do have a Doctor's note to excuse my recent absence! Although my health is improving, I am slowly coming to the realization that this recovery may actually take as long as predicted both by the medical profession and by those that have previously been through this particular physical challenge. In the past I recovered from surgeries much more quickly than the experts foretold, so I assumed the same would happen this time. Two differences: this was a much more taxing surgery, and, as Steve so tactfully explained, "You are twenty-eight years older than the last time you were in the hospital..."

So I thought I would ease back into writing by promising to post something on CandyceLand each week; perhaps not every day, but as often as health allows. My blog statistics have taken a serious nose-dive these past two weeks, but I ask my loyal readers (all three of you!) to be patient and not leave me. With the help of therapy and meds (TV Land reruns and Friendly's Chocolate Almond Chip Ice Cream) I should be back in full action soon!


  1. I'm thinking you need a friend to come over and be "Friendly" with you! tee hee....


  2. My all time fav ice cream flavor!!! :o) Hope you're starting to feel better.

  3. Count me in, I'm back on board so #4 should help boost your ratings!! Been missin you DS
