Friday, July 23, 2010

Survey says...

Isn’t it amazing how many people believe in Heaven? There is a frequent Gallup poll which asks people about faith in God and the afterlife. Every year about 80% of Americans indicate their belief in the existence of Heaven.

Why such a high number? Ecclesiastes 3 has an answer for that:

“...He has put eternity into man’s heart.”

God has given each of us an internal testimony of a life beyond this life. There is something inside of us which attests to the fact this life cannot be all that there is. Surely there must be something beyond the grave.

As those who recognize the truth of the Bible, we have something more than the hints that God has placed within every heart. We have the words of the prophets, the teachings of Jesus, and the accounts of the resurrection appearances of our Redeemer.

God has put eternity into our hearts, but He has also given us a sure Word. We have heard that Word, and have come to believe it, despite our moments of doubt and struggle.

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