Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tech Help!

Dear friends,

I have heard from several people that they cannot seem to "comment" on blog posts - so I would like to help. It is very easy to do, so I hope this little 'tutorial' will help.

1. Picture #1. When you click on the "comment" link there will be a drop-down menu where you can choose from a, b, or c. 'A' is usually the first one - indicating that the user (you) already has a google account. If that's the case, then type your comment and then press "Publish."

2. Picture #2. If you do not have a google account, then click on the little arrows and you will see 2 more options: the first one is "Name." At this point, just enter your name, type your comment and then press "Publish."

3. Picture #3. If you prefer to be "anonymous," then click on that, type your comment, and then press "Publish."  If some reason Options 1 and 2 are still not working for you, but you want me to know who you are, just use "anonymous" and then type your name at the end of your comment.  :)

Feel free to test by trying again and I'll respond to let you know your comment was received. Thanks!

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