Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Book of Prayers

One of my "jobs" that I sorely neglect from week to week is editing A Book Of Prayers authored by my husband, who shall remain nameless because 'he' would be embarrassed to know I am writing this. So - sshhh. :-)

'He' has written a prayer based on every chapter of the Bible; therefore, there are 1,189 prayers. Lord willing, the hope is that eventually (when I finish my part in the process - I have finished 947/1189) this book will be published. If we go the self-publishing route, we will have to determine a price for which it will be sold on Amazon. At the moment, we're leaning toward "a penny a prayer," or $11.89. Pretty clever, huh?

Anyway, while editing, I started to keep track of my "favorite" prayers - the ones that especially touched my soul. I would like to share one of these with you to give you a taste for what 'he' has written in this book. This one is based on Nehemiah 12:

"Our Father, we are not alone. Thank you for the priesthood of all who believe. We have been given access to the Holy of Holies in Christ. We sing for joy as we worship you even now. You have not left us as orphans. You have given us a testimony, a hope, and a true presence. Thank you for our families and for this assembly of love that you have granted us together in your church. We are not alone. You are with us even now. You will be with us forever. Where you are, you are surely not alone. Hear our praise as we sing to you, joining our voices to those who praise you above. What great music there must be in your presence day by day! What a wonderful celebration is coming when your choir on earth will finally hear the voices of those who sing your praises above. We rejoice in you. We look for the appearing of the Jerusalem that is above. We give of our substance with the great hope of a new day, and we thank you most sincerely for all that you have promised to your people."


1 comment:

  1. Music to my soul. I'm looking forward to the publication of this book. (btw - no video could accurately imitate these words. [speaking of a VOOK])

