Monday, October 5, 2009


I would like to introduce a new word to you: vook. Ever hear of it? A "vook" is a book and video combined. It is the next "new and improved" invention utilizing technology. In an article in last week's New York Times, the author explains exactly what a vook is: "It... intersperses videos throughout electronic text that can be read — and viewed — online or on an iPhone or iPod Touch."

So how would this work? Here is an example the article uses to explain this new technology:

"Jude Deveraux, a popular romance author who has written 36 straightforward text novels, said she loved experimenting with “Promises,” an exclusive vook set on a 19th-century South Carolina plantation in which the integrated videos add snippets of dialogue and atmosphere. Ms. Deveraux said she envisioned new versions of books enhanced by music or even perfume. “I’d like to use all the senses,” she said."

Wow. Imagine reading a book and smelling the roses that are being discussed in the text. Or reading a biography of Mozart and hearing his music in each chapter of the book.

I find it hard to evaluate such an invention. The vook does not sound all that desirable to me, but I've never been one to envision successful gadgets. I suppose that long ago I might have scoffed at the idea of the Bible on CD as well, although I listen to it all the time now while driving.

I still vote for curling up on the couch in front of a fire with a good book, instead of experiencing a vook on nature with computer generated aromas while waiting in the line at the supermarket. :-)

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to book I am sensory too but in a different way. I love the feel of the book in my hand. Particularly a book in quality binding and with pages that have the right feel to them. I recieved a new Bible for my birthday and I LOVE to hold it. It has a soft, hand stitched cover that is a delight to hold and the pages are thin and soft as well. I just enjoy holding it. I can't imagine a world where I can not hold a book in my hands and actually flip the pages. Furthermore, one of the reasons I love to read so much is because it challenges my mind to come up with the pictures, scents or sounds instead of having them programmed for me.

    Sadly, I can see where a VOOK might take off in this technology driven world we live in. I guess I'll be scouring the back street trashes and junk shops to feed my need to hold a real book in my hands....
