"So how do you build your spiritual muscles during the wait? Well, you must commit yourself to resisting those habits of unfaith and with discipline pursue a rigorous routine of spiritual exercise. What is the equipment in God's gym of faith? Here are the things that he has designed for you to build the muscles of your heart and strengthen your resolve: the regular study of his Word; consistent godly fellowship; looking for God's glory in creation every day; putting yourself under excellent preaching and teaching of Scriptures; investing your quiet mental time in meditating on the goodness of God (e.g., as you are going off to sleep); reading excellent Christian books; and spending ample time in prayer. All of these things will result in spiritual strength and vitality."
The good news is that there is no registration fee to join God's gym; no monthly membership dues; no expensive outfits or specialized running shoes needed. In fact, anything we would need, He has already provided at His own expense. So let's get into shape together - let's wait actively and energetically, using the equipment that He has given for our spiritual health and strength.
"They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Candy, this has been such a good Godly workout, thanks for taking lots of time on this subject.
ReplyDeleteWe alll need to be reminded to keep fit spiritually lest we become weak to the things of this world such as discontentment, despair, hopelessness, bewilderment, respectable sins etc....I can say from my own first hand experience, like yesterday, that spending the day in the spiritual gymnasim kept me strong and vital as I faced a troubled day. I also kept God's word in my workout one of them being "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Mat. 6:34, it got me through the troubles of the day without worrying about what tomorrow would be like.
I read and re-read Pslam 73 and Psalm 27, I meditated on their truths and found comfort in my God. I made it through the day and I am a stronger person today because of my workout in God's gym. My heart is stronger (it's not broken), I am waiting for my resolve (God's perfect timing).
Candy your words really hit home "In fact, anything we would need, He has already provided at His own expense." Where would we be without Jesus, How powerful is the love of our heavenly Father for His children that He would suffer through such tragic events at the expense of His own Son, to save a wretch like me? It's time to hit the shower! DS