Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Guest Blogger: Steve Magee

During a recent visit to Toronto, I met a new elder in one of our churches there. He told me that he had just come back from India, where his grandfather had traveled many years ago as a missionary to the Hmar people. At that time the Hmar tribe was considered an extremely dangerous group of headhunters. His grandfather, Watkins Roberts, had come from Wales to this section of Northern India to proclaim the message of Christ in that place. After staying a few years, it was not at all clear that there would be any lasting fruit from his efforts.

During our discussion, I mentioned that I thought I had heard about this story somewhere before. As it turned out, Candy and I had watched a movie about his grandfather years ago! Beyond the Next Mountain tells about Roberts and his eventual meeting with the son of a disciple trained by Roberts. As Candy and I watched that movie again the other night we realized that we had seen it already some years before. (By the way, it's great movie - available through Netflix.)

In any case, this grandson of Watkins Roberts had recently been contacted by organizers of the centennial anniversary of the coming of Christianity to their region of India. They asked this descendant of Watkins Roberts to come to India to help them in their celebration. He was floored by what he discovered on that visit. There were thousands upon thousands of people rejoicing in this great heritage. and they treated their honored guest from Canada as if he were royalty. What a story!

I thought that the readers of CandyceLand might be inspired by this little slice of heaven. I certainly was!

Steve Magee

1 comment:

  1. What a small world! I just ordered the movie through Amazon can't wait to see it! Thanks for sharing Steve. DS
