Friday, March 5, 2010

Odd News Friday: Here's the story, of a lovely lady...

I've confessed to many things here on CandyceLand, but today's revelation is perhaps the most embarrassing. Ready? I LOVED to watch the Brady Bunch when I was growing up! I watched it religiously. I thought Mike and Carol (the parents) were cool; I thought Alice (the housekeeper) was cool; and of course I thought Marcia and Greg (the oldest kids) were cool. I wanted to BE a Brady...

So throughout the years I've heard rumors about a big Brady reunion, and hoped that it would actually happen. This past Wednesday I came across a story entitled "Who Really Canceled the Brady Bunch Reunion?" Imagine my surprise to find out that it has never occurred because Marcia and Jan have been fighting - in a feud all these years. Of course, both sides aren't publicly speaking about this, and there is only speculation of the cause of the rift between the two.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what Mike and Carol's plan is for reconciling the two daughters. :-)

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