Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Commenting Made Easy

Many of you have communicated to me the difficulty in posting "comments" on particular articles here on this blog. I share your frustration - I don't know why blogspot makes it so difficult! I have contemplated switching to another blog host, but I thought that before I do so I would try to lay out the procedure for doing it "blogspot's way." Those that have figured it out say that it's very easy once you get used to the procedure.

I have also changed one of the settings that I think was the source of the problem. After hitting "submit" there was a "word verification" box that needed to be completed in order to keep spammers away. I have deleted this step until spammers find this blog...

1. Click on the word "comments" below the post on which you wish to comment.

2. Enter your comment in the box below the words "Post a Comment." Include your name or initials at the bottom of the comment if you want to identify yourself in some way.

3. Select the "profile" you want to use as your on-line identity for this particular comment. If you do not have an on-line profile with any of the tools listed, and you don't have your own website to use as an identity, choose "Anonymous" from the list available to the right of the "Comment as:" label. (Remember, this does not mean that your comment has to actually be anonymous, since you can identify yourself in any way you wish within the comment itself.)

4. Click "Post Comment" and you should see your comment immediately.

I hope this helps - and I would be delighted to get lots of comments saying: "Yeah, it worked!"

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