Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The BIG 100

Today is an anniversary of sorts. It is the 100th blog post of CandyceLand. Who would have thought I would have continued this long? This is all the more amazing since at least twice a week I ask myself (and Steve!): "Why am I doing this?" "Is anyone reading these devotionals?" "What was I thinking when I started this?" "How can I escape this madness?"

Here are some of the logistical challenges of sustaining this blog six days per week:

1. Finding a topic. Truly a nightmare sometimes.
2. Finding a title. Ridiculously difficult.
3. Finding an image. Would you believe that it often takes much, much longer to find an image than to write the post itself?

SO - as a present to myself on this most auspicious occasion of the "100th" blog post, I am calling for a moment of silence, while I go search for a title and image. HELP!


  1. Happy 100th Candy!!! :-)


  2. Candy--thanks for keeping this up. i have found your blog thought provoking and inspiring.


  3. Oh yes Candy your blogs are not only being read they are inspiring those who read them. A BIG HAPPY 100TH TO YOU!! May you continue to ask God to lead you to the next and then the next. We'll keep reading! Oh did you find the title & image yet? TEE HEE DS

  4. Thanks, everyone! It's been fun. (Sort of!)
