"Sin is a spiritual and moral malignancy. Left unchecked, it can spread throughout our entire inner being and contaminate every area of our lives. Even worse, it often will 'metastasize' from us into the lives of other believers around us. None of us lives on a spiritual or social island. Our attitudes, words, and actions, and oftentimes even our private unspoken thoughts, tend to have an effect on those around us."
Within this one paragraph there are at least two pretty scary insights. First, like cancer of the body, sin rarely gets better on its own. If not treated, it will get worse. If not dealt with, our lives can be ruined.
Secondly, unlike cancer of the body, sin can spread to others. I don't know of any physical cancer that is contagious (although I could be wrong). Obviously we catch the flu and colds and lots of other diseases from others. But sin is almost always contagious. Bad company certainly does corrupt good morals.
So what is the treatment for this awful disease of sin? That is the subject of the next chapter, and the next blog post. Stay tuned for the good prognosis!
The fact that our attitudes, words, and actions have an effect on those around us is scarey enough on it's own, but the statement really hits home when the author added, "and oftentimes even our private unspoken thoughts, tend to have an effect on those around us," makes me want to run right to scripture and clean up my entire being! The only way I can do that is in God's word, a particular passage comes to mind under the sub-title Living as Children of Light. God tells us that in regard to our former way of life, we are to put off our old self, which is being (not had been), corrupted by it's deceitful desires, to be made new in the attitude of our minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. From Ephesians 4:22-24. That is my prayer as I start this new day God has been gracious enough to give me. DS