We are very used to hearing ministers preach the gospel to us, but in our battle with sin, we must preach the gospel to ourselves. No pastor can be with us 24/7; no pastor can know the secret thoughts of our minds; no pastor can do battle for us. But God can! We need to daily acknowledge our sin, turn away from it, rely on the Holy Spirit for help, and believe that God has forgiven us already. Knowing and understanding and believing that Christ died on the cross to rid us of both the penalty and the power of sin will allow us to move forward in hopeful expectation of progress in our constant struggle with sin.
Bridges reminds us of the great hymn "Rock of Ages," which so poetically displays this beautiful picture of the "two-fold aspect" of Christ's great work:
Let the water and the blood,
From thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
Yes, the bad news of sin is very serious, but the cross is the double cure. Preach it, sisters (and brothers)... to yourself... every day.
Sisters & brothers in Christ, a mental picture of sin comes to my mind as I read about cancerous, untreated sin that spreads to others. It's like gooey, sticky slime that one tries to fling off and it cannot be removed with out a good bath, or a spiders cobweb that one tries to get off of their fingers but it won't let you go until you can find a rough surface to wipe it on. Sin is the sameway and the only way to rid our daily self of it is the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, without Him we are helpless, there is no other cure! Thanks for the reminder Candy And thanks be to Jesus for His love for us so great that He gave His life, so we could have the double cure. DS