Friday, November 20, 2009

One Tough Cookie

I propose that from this day forward Friday will be designated the "odd news" day for CandyceLand. I am so amused by some of these stories that I find throughout the week. The feature story today focuses on a new study that has been released in Great Britain, officially entitled: "The Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation."

"An estimated 25 million adults have been injured while eating during a tea or coffee break - with at least 500 landing themselves in a hospital, the survey revealed. Hidden dangers included flying fragments and being hurt while dunking in scalding tea through to the more strange reports of people poking themselves in the eye with a biscuit cookie or falling off a chair reaching for the tin. One man even ended up stuck in wet concrete after wading in to pick up a stray biscuit. It also revealed 28 per cent had choked on crumbs while one in 10 had broken a tooth or filling while biting a biscuit. More unusually, three per cent had poked themselves in the eye with a biscuit and seven per cent were bitten by a pet or "other wild animal" trying to get their biscuit."

Oh my. These are indeed surprising statistics, but I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. :-)

1 comment:

  1. WowCandy thanks for the "Biscuit Warning!" I think I'll turn my breakfast biscuit in for a bowl of Raisen Bran. Hugs DS
