Friday, November 27, 2009

Cooking With Gas

I am SO sorry I didn't see this "odd news" article before Thanksgiving. I could have saved so many of you the hassle of cooking your turkeys in the traditional way! There is a book entitled Manifold Destiny, a manual to instruct you how to cook using your car's engine. I am not kidding! This story was in USA Today.

"The book explains how to prepare, foil wrap and tuck an uncooked dinner into various places under your car's hood so that your casserole or roast is sizzling hot and waiting when you arrive. The book by Chris Maynard and Bill Scheller includes recipes for such delectables like "Impressive Veal Impreza," "Prius Pork" and "Ford F-150 Hot Texas Wieners," but the question is, is it possible to tackle a whole turkey dinner? The answer is yes...and, um, no. Cooking a 20-pound turkey might be a bit of a challenge under a car engine, even if you were driving from Omaha to Memphis. But a breast, complete with potatoes, shouldn't require much more than 220 miles, or Charlotte, N.C., to Atlanta. "

The article also suggests fully reading the book, because while "cooking on an engine isn't all that complicated, you do need to know a few do's and don'ts to keep from losing fingers or setting the car on fire, which can ruin your dinner party."

Maybe next Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, I'll have to remember this the next time I drive down South to visit family. Instead of their having a meal waiting for me I will drive up with a meal for them.


