"Soon you will read in the newspaper that I am dead. Don't believe it for a moment. I will be more alive than ever before."
D.L. Moody
Isn't that great? I hardly know what to do with this - how could I possibly improve upon it by my silly babbling?
This machine is supposed to take off and land vertically, fly at speeds up to 120 knots, drive on roads up to 80 mph, and go off-road up to 30 mph. It must be simple enough for any Marine to fly, it must be quiet, and it must carry enough fuel to stay aloft for two hours. They’re calling this machine the Transformer."
Let's see - this sounds vaguely familiar... Ah yes, but I think they should call it Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Maybe the Defense Department and Dick Van Dyke can work together on this project.
"Never has so large an American church been moved so far. 'People look at you like you're nuts,' the architect in charge of this project says. 'But it's not like Dorothy's house in The Wizard of Oz - it's not going to fly.' The church would be deconstructed, piece by piece, each piece numbered, packed, trucked south and reassembled. About 80% of St Gerard's would be reused: the exterior limestone, oak pews, stained glass, stations of the cross and confessionals; and the granite columns."
For further information and pictures, click here: http://tinyurl.com/ye8x5yc
As might be expected, there are strong feelings both pro and con on this idea of using Northern churches for Southern congregations. So what do you think? Good idea or bad?