Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Something Better

Yesterday I started reading a new book - Hoping for Something Better: Refusing to Settle for Life as Usual by Nancy Guthrie. It is a study based on the book of Hebrews. In her introductory remarks, Nancy states one of the themes of this work:

"When Jesus is small in our estimation, so are our courage and commitment. So seeing Jesus in all his beauty and significance will help us stand strong too, when life in this world is cruel and life in the next world seems distant and unreal... The book of Hebrews is an appeal for endurance in spite of difficulty, perseverance in the face of disappointment. In studying Hebrews, we find that considering Jesus - looking at him, valuing him, running after him, drawing near to him - is the secret to surviving and even thriving when life is hard."

I don't know yet how wonderful this book is - but based on her other writings, I am excited to glean from Nancy's insights. She and her husband David created GriefShare after the deaths of two infant children, so she is well acquainted with difficulties and disappointments. I'm sure that for her, for me, and probably many of you, we will all benefit from considering "Jesus, in all his beauty and significance," particularly when "life seems cruel."

SO let's start looking, valuing, running, and drawing near to Him. Why settle for anything less?

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