Friday, February 12, 2010

Odd News Friday

No matter which side of the political aisle you sit on, you may still not be happy with the following Odd News Story.

The topic is the use of Federal Stimulus Funds by a Florida school district. The proposal is this: parents of children with disabilities will be given iPods as a reward for filling out a 10 minute online survey. The cost to taxpayers? $350,000

This may be a radical thought - but why not use all that money to help the kids instead? That would be music to my ears...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is closer to home than you think. The Somersworth School system is proposing giving all 6th graders IPod Touch's so that they can be technologically literate. When we were talking about this with our children their first reaction was that they were already technologically literate and my youngest cried because she saw it as another deterrent to reading.

