Friday, April 9, 2010

Odd News Friday: Man's Best Friend (Or Not) #2!

All you pet lovers - BEWARE! World Magazine reported this week that animal-rights activists have taken on a new cause - legal rights for pets. Thankfully, some people have noticed and are protesting:

"Voters in Switzerland have finally pushed back against some of the most stringent animal-rights initiatives in the world. On March 7, voters in the European nation overwhelmingly rejected a measure that would have extended rights of legal representation to the animal kingdom. That sort of legal representation for dogs, fish, birds, and chickens already exists in the Zurich region, where animal-rights attorney Antoine Goetschel regularly sues citizens on behalf of abused dogs or, in a recent case, a dead pike Goetschel says a local angler tortured when it took him 10 minutes to reel in the fish. Goetschel, who tried to rally the Swiss to vote for the initiative, admitted his highly publicized fish case may have poisoned the well: 'Many voters might have been a bit fed up with the topic.'"

Word to the wise: Be careful not to be late with Fido's chow, or you may find yourself in the dog-eat-dog world of international litigation!

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