Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Ultimate Fixer-Upper

I read some great relationship advice last week in one of Andree Seu's blog posts. The particular topic is forgiving and forgetting when others offend us - something very hard to do. Here is an interesting perspective that might help:

"The best way is if we only understood that the person who insulted us last week (especially if it is a Christian) is a constantly changing and progressively sanctifying person. The Holy Spirit has rolled up His sleeves and started cleaning out his fixer-upper of a heart, and you just happened to get in the way of some garbage being hauled out. The person you are still nursing a resentment toward is in the middle of his story, and is not yet what he will be. And come to think of it, the same goes for you."

I just love the concept of a "fixer-upper of a heart." The truly amazing and mind-boggling fact, though, is that these hearts of ours, in need of such great renovation, were actually purchased at great expense - no "bargain basement price tag" on our souls. Christ bought us with His blood, and He lives and reigns even now to transform us into what we will be. Let's not get in the way of His good work with our resentment. Let's forgive and forget.


  1. You are right. This is a good mental picture to hold on to. I like it.


  2. i've never heard anyone give such an insightful perspective! relationships are HARD for me! thank you so much for passing it on...i'm going to check out his blog - cb
